Plants growing in biosolids-amended soil are more efficient in their use of water.
Effluent and Leachate
Our residuals management capabilities are not limited to solid and semi-solid residuals. SYLVIS implements beneficial use programs for municipal wastewater effluent and landfill leachate, with the objectives of both reducing the quantity and improving the quality of discharges to receiving environments.
SYLVIS has designed and implemented programs to effectively utilize effluent and leachate. One example is a soil / plant system at a landfill that is irrigated with leachate. The soil, fabricated from biosolids and other residuals, supports the growth of biomass crops (hybrid poplar and short-rotation willow). The system utilizes a significant volume of leachate, and supports the goal of an eventual zero-discharge leachate treatment system. The quality of any leachate discharged from this system is significantly improved as the soil / plant treatment system beneficially utilizes nutrients in the leachate.
Municipal and industrial effluent management can be used in a similar manner, utilizing these residuals to irrigate and fertilize plants. Centrate and belt filter press filtrate can also be used for fertilization. This provides both a cost-effective treatment option to traditional wastewater treatment plant upgrades and produces a valuable biomass crop.
Please Contact Us to discuss working together to beneficially manage these nutrient rich liquid residuals or learn more by visiting Our Work.