SYLVIS's custom designed soil fabrication equipment allows residuals to be combined in the development of value added products such as topsoil and reclamation mixtures.
Residuals use in the fertilization and amendment of agricultural land is one of the most widely utilized residuals management options. SYLVIS develops and implements operational agricultural fertilization projects in British Columbia and Alberta to land used for pasture and the production of oil and grain crops.
SYLVIS owns and operates a fleet of tractors and spreaders to match site topography, project scale and program objectives.
Residuals applications to agricultural land serve the dual purpose of providing beneficial additions of macro and micronutrients essential for plant growth as well as organic matter to improve soil moisture holding capacity and overall soil health. Residuals fertilization increases the quality and quantity of crop yields and improves long-term soil productivity. Residuals fertilization to marginal agricultural land improves soil quality and a return to crop production.